Resep Bangun Pagi

Ada 3 cara alami seseorang bisa bangun pagi dengan nyaman:

1. Habit
Pastinya! If it's in your blood, you're good with it.

2. Determination
This a very good thing to start with before you fall asleep. Describe in mind what time are you going to wake tomorrow morning. Beside the time, it's also good to set your mind the reason why you should get up very early in the morning. That way, your mind will work it's magic on you. Trust me, it works. I happened to fell asleep slightly after midnight on the night before my wedding. We had a little get together with my family and close friends. The next morning, I must to wake up at 3 o'clock if I want to be punctual on my wedding day. I understand that I'm not a kind of morning people. But it's my wedding! I didn't wanna crush my own wedding by waking up very late. So, I turned as many alarm devices as I could get. Finally, I got up as I planned!!! Thank God for that.

3. Get enough sleep
If you need 8hrs per night to be freshly awaken in the morning, then go to sleep early. As simple as that. Turn all the lights in your bedroom, and get as comfy as possible. If you need your blanket, than get it. Don't let anything ruin your beauty sleep. Don't drink or eat too many.

Lalu, bagaimana kalau kita masih sulit bangun pagi? Berdasarkan 3 tips tadi, kita bisa mulai dari poin nomor 3. Make sure your body get enough sleep. Then, mulailah beralih ke poin nomor 2 untuk mendapatkan waktu bangun yang diinginkan. Insya Allah, kita akan mendapatkan hasil pada poin 1. :) good luck!!!

Karima Yolita
Koordinator Bidang Studi IPA
SDIT Citra Az-zahra
Kompleks Taman Alfa Indah, Blok G1
Joglo, Jakarta Barat

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