It's for You :)

My name is Karima Yolita.
I was born on 13th August 1982, from a Javanese father and an Arabic mother, that's why i got the unique appearance.
I have two little sisters, which makes me the oldest, and I live with my parents in West Jakarta.
Now, I work as an elementary teacher in a private school nearby.
I have several best friends and according to the personality plus test, i can be considered as a melancholic girl, but after i interact with my dearest best friend for more than 10 years, i develop the sanguine and choleric character.

I like a person who:
- believes in him/herself
- believes in others
- has goal(s) in his/her life
- is passionate
- is intelligent
- is loving and nurturing
- is mature
- is hardworking and persistent
- is a good driver
- likes to travel and loves to eat

on the other hand, i am a person who:
- will do anything for the persons i love
- is a friend you can rely on to
- can see the beauty in every person
- loves surprises
- loves movies and musics
- loves passionate works
- is easy to talk to
- is curious about a lot of things
- is madly in love with books
- is a gadget freak
- loves beautiful things
- easily adapts to new surroundings
- highly values what a person wants
- tends to see details and global at the same time
- believes that we, humans, can create nirvana in this world, and i'm doing it by becoming a lovely teacher for the community, as well as a great mother for my family
(more about me)

I love to hear other person's story so that i can learn something from it.
For me, everyone is a perfect being, that includes all the flaws within that person which make him/her even more beautiful.

Although my life hadn't been always smooth and wonderful, it makes me the way i am today and it makes me feel great!

I think the most luxurious thing in the world is the ability and the humbleness of willing to learn from anyone. Intelligence cannot just be given from school, it can only be earnt by hardworking, and it's definitely illinear with someone's scholar degree.

9 komentar:

Karima Yolita mengatakan...

I wrote this at 2 am in the morning in the fasting period. I can't sleep, then i decided to write something because there are a lot of thing floating inside my head! I just watched a recorded oprah show and i'm so inspired by it. That Oprah Show encouraged me to design the life i want, and so i'm doing it! :p

Ratna Gusliana mengatakan...

Yes... You are uniqe...
I'm so thankful that I met you in such unpredictable way (^_^)
Masih inget ga??? Waktu itu Kak Arif yg mengenalkan Teh Rima via YM...

Then...Aku harus menyelesaikan skripsi di PTPN VIII Bandung, dan numpang di kosan Teh Rima. Dan aku sekamar sama Teh Rima.

Oh iya, aku pernah bilang mau main ke rumah Teh Rima. Ternyata belum sempat sampai sekarang. Hmm...kapan ya?

Karima Yolita mengatakan...

masih ingat dooong!
gak mungkin aku melupakan secuil kehidupanku itu yang sangat mencengangkan.

I've known Ratna only for a glimpse that time, but she came to me (to us to be exact!) in a whole!
at first it was a shocking situation, but i enjoying every moment with her around because of her unique character.

Ratna Gusliana mengatakan...

Everyone has unique character...

Was it really shocking you?
Which part?

Karima Yolita mengatakan...

Bagian mana yang mana yang membuatku terpana? SEMUA.

Pada saat itu, aku tidak terbiasa dengan perkenalan tanpa melihat sendiri orang yang mau diperkenalkan. You was introduced to by Arif using YM. Saat itu, aku bilang ke Kak Arif kalau aku merasa sangat tidak nyaman dengan cara seperti ini (itu adalah cara yang seringkali dilakukan Kak Arif untuk berkenalan dengan orang baru dan ia merasa nyaman dengan cara tersebut). Then he told me to take one step at a time, and i did! I was talking and introducing myself to you. But, believe me, it felt like i was take a huuuuge step!

and then...
Aku dapat kabar lanjutan bahwa Ratna sedang mencari tempat untuk tinggal sementara selama KP. Aku lupa detail bagaimana akhirnya aku kemudian menyarankan agar Ratna tinggal di kosanku. But, believe me (again!) i did it for the first time! (maksud saya mempersilahkan seseorang yang benar-benar baru dikenal tinggal bersama). Aku orang yang masih cenderung tertutup pada saat itu, tidak seperti Nova.

hehehe, kesimpulannya: keseluruhan Ratna itulah yang mencengangkanku (ditambah dengan fakta bahwa pada akhirnya kita ternyata bisa get along very well :p)

like i said:
i only knew you for a glimspe that time, but you came to us in a whole.

Aku berterima kasih atas kejadian itu, membuatku lebih terbuka. :D

Ratna Gusliana mengatakan...

OO gitu ya...
Buatku...dikenalkan dg cara seperti itu oleh Kak Arif, biasa aja bu...
Makanya waktu aku ada penelitian di Bdg,tanpa ragu aku minta tolong ke teh rima...

Berdasarkan cerita dari Mba Grace, teh rima yang sekarang berubah 180's okay kalau perubahan itu mengarah pada hal yg lebih baik...

Karima Yolita mengatakan...

dari melancholy jadi sanguine?
hehehe, yup!
That was also a huge step for and alhamdulillah i feel a lot lighter since then :)

Novasyurahati mengatakan...

ini komen ko kayak percakapan antara rima dan ratna ya??

btw rim, the person you described on that post reminds me of someone..



Karima Yolita mengatakan...


yes, nova, you are my idol.