Menikmati Jalan-jalan Sore

Pagi tadi aku terbangun dengan badan "so not very delicious". Meriang
dan sakit kepala. Akupun memutuskan untuk tidak masuk kerja.

FYI, aku tinggal di kawasan Ciputat. Karena suamiku merasa khawatir,
beliau mengusulkanku untuk ikut bersama beliau ke rumah ibuku di
kawasan Meruya, Jakbar. My heart felt a different thing. Then i ask my
husband's permission to stay at Ciputat. I want to know how is it
like to live there. I want to know the situation around there. He
agreed, although I know he was worried.

I didn't take any medicine, following my friend's advice for those
newly wedds who's expecting to be pregnant. I felt better, but the
headache was still there. I had instant fried noodle for brunch coz
that was the only option. Then, i took a long nap for almost three
hours. But alas, the headache and the fever was worse. Oh, God! And
then I realized there was lack of food and it meant that I had to go
fetch some. I decided to take a pill then, bismillah, here I went.

I went by foot. Although I know it's quite far, I enjoyed the journey.
I observed the neighborhood, and there was a lot of thing to watch nd
to understand.

And... Here I am, in one of the biggest supermarket around, having
burger with my esia online :p

Posted via email from karima's posterous

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