Priority Lists

Tak bisa tidur malam-malam (dan sekarang sudah jadi dini hari) membuatku asik berselancar di dunia maya. Just recently, i ended up looking at a post from Seth Godin titled Priority List.

What shockingly surprised me was that it was the issue which repeatedly discussed by me! That is one of the things that i hardly do, although my dad kept saying to me to always make a tomorrow's to-do list every night before i go to bed in order to make me aware of what need to be done. But i kept ignoring it.

One of my best friend, Grace, is an excellent example of a person who likes to make those lists. And as far as i know, she is so efficient!

In that post, Godin wrote a comment about making priority lists:
This is an unheralded skill, something successful people do really well and others struggle with.
I guess, i'm still struggling...

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